Hey moms and dads, what’s happening around the web today? We’ve got one mom who wishes her family understood all the things she does around the house, a fireman who adopted a baby he helped deliver, and another mom who realized that doing everything for her kids might be a big mistake.

Ever feel like the work you do as a mother is sorely unappreciated? You’re not alone. This mom blogger is pretty sure her kids have no idea what she does everyday. And it’s a lot!

Grab a tissue, here’s a story about love and destiny that’ll tug on your heartstrings. First responder Marc Hadden delivered a baby girl after responding to a 911 call. As fate would have it, Marc and his wife were looking to adopt and he had just (unknowingly) helped his new daughter come into the world.

Have you ever watched your kids dragging to complete a task and thought to yourself, “I’ll just do it myself!” So did this mom…until she realized her constant rescuing might create entitled kids that expect other people to take care of things for them.