Author: Marcus Pfister

Age: 4-8 Years Old

Category: Sharing, Making Friends

Why We Like It: The Rainbow Fish is a beautifully illustrated book and international bestseller. Kids love the glittery foil-stamping on every page. The book tells the story of a unique fish who is praised for his pretty colors and shiny scales. He’s asked to share his beautiful scales, but he refuses. The rainbow fish is very vain about his sales and thinks he’s above the other fish. Not surprisingly, he doesn’t have any fish friends. This leaves rainbow fish lonely and sad. He seeks advice from a wise octopus who suggests that sharing and kindness are a good way to make new friends. Rainbow fish is turn shares his scales with the other fish and is happier.

The rainbow fish character is easy for kids to identify with. The story highlights how, at this age, sharing can be challenging. Children are still in an egocentric phase and don’t always like to share or let others join in. The book does a good job helping kids see how if they don’t share, they can lose out on making friends. Kindness gets you farther than vanity and selfishness.

Another theme of the story is to ask for guidance from “wiser” creatures (read, older) when you are upset. Rainbow fish seeks counsel from octopus letting kids know that when they are distressed they can ask a parent of teacher for help. All in all, a beautiful looking book with a great message for kids.

Get a copy of The Rainbow Fish today at Amazon. (We suggest getting the hardback version of this book because the illustrations are so striking.)

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