Looking for ways to teach your children independence and responsibility?  Want to get the kids to pitch in more around the house?  A printable chore chart may be just the thing you need to make it happen.

Which is why we’re offering our readers downloadable FREE printable chore charts for kids!


RELATED: Why Chores Help Kids More Than You Think


Research indicates that children who do chores have higher self-esteem, are more responsible, and are better able to deal with frustration and delay gratification, all of which contribute to greater success in school.

Kids who did chores also grow into adults that are better at time and money management. Plus they report higher levels of relationship satisfaction and happiness. 

It’s why we’re such firm believers in the power of chores, and why we think you will be too.


Printable Chore Charts


Mom’s Ultimate Toolkit

Included in your toolkit, you’ll find everything you need to get your kids onboard with chores and set a consistent morning and evening routine.

And if you’re not sure what tasks to assign, we also provide a list of chores appropriate for each age level.

No more power plays! No more nagging and reminding!

Save time and increase cooperation by incorporating fun cards into your child’s daily chores and routines. Printable chore charts are a great way to encourage pitching in.

Each toolkit includes:

  • The benefits of routines and chores for kids
  • 60+ printable daily routine and chore cards
  • An age appropriate list of chores





For tips on using a chore chart and some helpful chore chart ideas, be sure to check out – Teach Responsibility! Chore Chart For Kids 


How Chores Help Kids

Still not convinced?

Research from a well-known 75-year Harvard study examined the childhood psychosocial and biological processes that predicted health and well-being later in life.

Researchers found that children who were assigned chores fared better later in life.


Chores were the best predictor of which kids were more likely to become happy, healthy, independent adults.

Why is taking out the trash and sweeping the floor so important to kids’ well-being in life?

One reason is that kids feel competent when they do their chores. Whether they’re making their bed or doing their laundry, helping out around the house helps kids feel capable and responsible.



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