Author: Vicki Lansky

Age: 4 to 7 years old

Category: Divorce


It’s Not Your Fault Koko Bear


It’s Not Your Fault Koko Bear reassures kids that they are not to blame if mom and dad are getting a divorce. It is intended for families where both parents plan to remain a part of their child’s life.

The story revolves around a lovable bear named Koko who doesn’t want to have two homes. Koko’s experience will help children learn what divorce means, how family life will change, and understand divorce is not their fault.


Why We Like It:

This is both a children’s book and parenting tool rolled into one. At the bottom of each page, there are bullet points for parents giving information, tips, and advice for helping kids deal with each issue that arises.

There’s also a cool page with nothing but illustrations of Koko Bear showing him experiencing different emotions.

Instead of asking your child how they feel (which is often hard for them to explain) you can have them point to a picture of Koko and then talk about the emotion.

This book will not make the pain of divorce go away, but it provides a good way for children to learn that what they are feeling is normal and appropriate. Kids learn they are not alone in feeling the way they do, and that life will be okay even if it is not what they want.

One note, Amazon recommends this book for kids age 3-7, but we found that the story was a little too long and complicated for most 3 year olds, which is why we recommend it for ages 4 and up.



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